eu strategic compass 2022 pdf

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eu strategic compass 2022 pdf

Power politics and armed aggression have returned. an analysis echoed by the 2022 EU Strategic Compass. But it should not lose sight of the immense challenge that China poses. Related publications. Box 1: Case studies - Autonomous systems and semiconductors for defence The Council should adopt it in March 2022. National Convention on the EU | Recommendation: Strategic Compass October 05, 2022. The strategic compass represents a real and timely opportunity, but there is also a It is now up to member-states to live up to their promises. WASHINGTON The defense ministers of European Union nations adopted the long-awaited "Strategic Compass" document on Monday, presenting a plan to beef up the bloc's defenses in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The initiative aims to formulate a first joint analysis of the risks related to security and defense of the EU, to find an agreement on clear and . Encompassing the most important features of the European Union's VAT system, the EU VAT Compass 2022/2023 is an essential source of reference for all those actively working or interested in EU VAT. approach is needed for the EU to stay at the forefront of critical technologies and to identify and mitigate strategic dependencies in the domain of security and defence. An Analysis of the Draft "Strategic Compass" of the EU . A revised EU threat analysis by the end of 2022; A new EU Hybrid Toolbox for the coordinated response to hybrid campaigns; A new EU space strategy for security and defence; A strengthened EU Satellite Centre to boost the EU's autonomous geo-spatial intelligence capacity; Securing access to strategic domains: high seas, outer space, cyber space . Development of the Strategic Compass involved a collaborative approach and engaged the university community and external stakeholders. It describes a world where the "crisis in multilateralism is leading to more and more transactional relations among states.". Ibid, 10. It's only beginning of the journey. Enhancing the toolbox, solidifying the EU's Joint Cyber Unit, further developing the EU's Cyber Defense Policy will be instrumental to deter cyber attacks. The planned strategy paper is aimed at providing the Union's current militarization projects - such as PESCO and the EU Battlegroups - a consistent thrust and to enhance the EU's military response capacity. After intense discussions and tough negotiations, the European Union (EU) has finally managed to adopt its new Strategic Compass. Download PDF. Strategic Compass on 24 March 2022, a roadmap for becoming a stronger security and defence actor. This article analyses the EU Strategic Compass (SC), announced in late 2020 under the German Council Presidency, and intended for launch during the current French-led . Council of the European Union, `Implementation Plan on Security and Defence, 2016. CSDS Policy brief n 2022/11 3 The EU's strategic interest in "doing more" on security and defence is both valid and overdue. Our new Strategic Concept reaffirms that NATO's key purpose is to ensure our collective defence, based on a 360-degree approach. Benjamin Tallis of the Hertie School Centre for International Security in Berlin, commenting on a draft of the Strategic Compass, feared that the Compass would only "amplify the perennial gap between Europe's defence expectations and capacity." He also . As indicated by the Council in June 2020, the Strategic Compass will define policy orientations and specific goals and objectives in four clusters: - crisis management, - resilience, - capability development, - partnerships. The European strategic autonomy process is meant to produce a comprehensive EU security and defense architecture, a credible "capacity to act autonomously when and where necessary and with partners wherever possible" [3].The threat analysis conducted during the strategic compass phase "shows clearly that Europe is in danger" [4].It is without a doubt a step in the right direction to . Novaky (2020) argues that the SC should not be overly ambitious. Finally, it should complement NATO's own work in progress, a new Strategic Concept due for release at the Madrid Summit in June 2022 (NATO 2021a (NATO , 2021b (NATO , 2021c. new EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defence, endorsed by the European Council on 25 March, is intended to avoid such ambivalence. This Member State- led process was initiated in 2020, during which a threat analysis was completed. The first draft of The Strategic Compass (SC) is a project centred on four pillars that is being developed from 2020-2022, during the European Council Presidencies of Germany, Portugal, Slovenia and France. The Strategic Compass will further strengthen the existing Cyber Diplomatic Toolbox, which has grown from a budget of 11 million in 2017 to almost double to 21.7 million in 2020. On 21 March 2022, Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers of the EU adopted the Strategic Compass, after 2 years of negotiations. the Strategic Compass, which will - through 2021 until early 2022 - set out the EU's security and defence priorities for crisis management, resilience, capabilities and partnerships. The EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defence is a Council document, steered by the High Representative Josep Borrell, that aims at providing Member States' common ambition to answer to the threats and challenges the EU is facing through concrete objectives and deliverables for the next 5-10 years. For some, EU-NATO partnership raises concerns of a possible duplication of effort. Much will depend on how successfully we support Ukraine against Russia's aggression. Some duplications, or thematic overlap, between the EU's Strategic Compass and NATO's 2022 Strategic Concept will be inevitable but necessary, writes Niklas Novaky. It is the outcome of a near-two-year process, based upon the EU's first joint threat assessment and intense member state negotiations. The Compass is intended to be used by all units, both academic and support, to inspire the formulation . The conflict puts an end to the security architecture that defined Europe in the last 30 years, and it further accelerates the transition into a new global order in which principles such as multilateralism and territorial integrity are questioned by competition and great power . Click here for direct download The book consists of three parts, each comprising a vital element of the EU VAT system. It presents the challenges facing the EU and the external, geo-political environment in stark terms. In 1707, the splendidly monikered British Admiral of the Fleet Sir Cloudesley Shovell drowned himself and some . * The EU sets itself the goal of being able to run all its training missions, as well as smaller missions and exercises, from a single headquarters by 2025. Sometimes presented as a doctrine, sometimes as a white paper, the Strategic Compass is a document of some 40 pages that is supposed to give a direction to European defence, with the goal of reviving it and orienting its action. The EU's Strategic Compass will provide clear political and strategic guidance on the EU approach to security and defence over the next 5 to 10 years and step up the EU's role as a provider of security for its citizens. By 2030, the Strategic Compass says the . The shared threat assessment, a first in the history of the EU, is a positive development. 6 European Union Institute for Security Studies, "Making the Strategic Compass work: How to embed EU ambitions in national defence The coincidence that in 2021-2022 the EU is drafting a Strategic Compass and NATO a new Strategic Concept should be put to use to mend the schism between them. On 21 March 2022, the EU's Foreign Affairs Council approved the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence. Officials had hastened to rewrite the document since the . DISCUSSION POINTS 1. The heads of state and government have now tasked the EU's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, with drafting a written "Strategic Compass," to be presented in November, and debated again by leaders in December with an eye toward approving it next March. As stated by . Can a miracle be worked? nnounced by Commission President A Ursula von der Leyen in her 2021 State of the European Union speech, a European Defence Summit is expected to take place inFebruary 2022. Brussels 21.03.2022 Today the Council has formally approved the Strategic Compass, at a time when we witness the return of war in Europe. Included in the list of threats is an emphasis on the fact that the EU "might also face an increase of the actual use of military force", especially The EU Strategic Compass sets out a realistic vision for EU security policy. On 6 May 2021, the EU Council Ministers held another meeting, part of a series since 2020, negotiating the format of the legal-political agreement expected to be issued at the end of 2022. Other publications + details. EU Strategic Compass: Has the EU advanced in its threat-analysis capacity? The Strategic Compass marks a high level of ambition for our security and defence agenda by: 1. The Strategic Compass may help the EU become a more effective international actor for two main reasons. The "Strategic Compass for Security and Defence - For an EU that protects its citizens, values and interests and contributes to international peace and security" is a document in progress owned by the European External Action Service that aims to provide a common direction for the Unions efforts in security and defence. Introduction This draft working document of Eurodefense Working Group 27B has been completed before and during the war in Ukraine. Bringing greater coherence and a common sense of purpose to actions in the area of security and Hence leaks, comments, and forecasts are galore as the deadline for the SC approaches. the purpose of the Strategic Compass is to guide the necessary development of the EU security and defence agenda for the next ten years. Share . Edgars Rinkvis (@edgarsrinkevics) March 21, 2022. 3 min read. Council of . 5 Hugo Meijer and Stephen G rooks, "Illusions of Autonomy," International Security, 45:4 (2021). . The EU's Strategic Compass and new security and defence initiatives in 2022 The draft of the EU Strategic Compass outlines several proposals that have a bearing on the Commission's role. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) View PDF. General. Russia's unprovoked war of aggression on Ukraine launched on 24 February 2022 is a watershed moment for Europe. partnerships. EU Heads of State affirmed the EU's commitment to developing the Strategic Compass in their Statement in February 2021. Bringing greater coherence and a common sense of purpose to actions in the area of security This brief looks at the Strategic Compass and it advances some concrete ideas that could ensure that the EU develops its ability to act autonomously, whenever necessary. On 21 March 2022, the Council of the European Union released the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence. The strategic compass is particularly appropriate in highly dynamic environments such as higher education. Providing a shared assessment of our strategic environment, the threats and challenges we face and their implications for the EU; 2. As the Union's key security policy document, the Strategic Compass will "enhance and guide the implementation of the Level of Ambition on security and defence" by defining policy orientations, concrete goals, and the Union's objectives for the next 5 to 10 years. Official and intellectual efforts seem to have gained traction of late geared towards elaborating the EU's Strategic Compass (SC) to be adopted in March 2022 under the French presidency. Building on a common threat analysis, it should concretise the EU's level of ambition as a security provider. The roundtable featured three recommendations, which were formulated by our office and project manager Alexandra Ilkova together with our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz. Given the turbulence of the past few years and the strategic challenges confronting the EU, the Compass arrives at an opportune time but getting the content right is essential for EU security and defence over the next 5 to 10 years. The good news is that every day we are seeing more member . The Compass gives the European Union an ambitious plan of action for strengthening the EU's security and defence policy by 2030. It will allow the EU to act faster and more decisively to protect its values and interests and contribute to international peace and security. [1] The document provides a thorough assessment of international affairs and is meant to guide the development of the EU security and defence agenda for the next decade. A process aimed at bringing clarity, guidance and incentives to completing the common security and defence policy, the Strategic Compass is a first for the European Union. The attention of Europe's foreign and defence policy establishment is rightly focused on Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Providing a shared assessment of our strategic environment, the threats and challenges we face and their implications for the EU; 2. On 16 June 2020, the EU Defence Ministers embarked to develop a strategic compass for security and defence. It defines the Alliance's three core tasks: `A Strategic Compass for the EU, 2022: 10. PDF | On Apr 1, 2022, Johannes Nordin published The EU's Strategic Compass Building Consensus ahead of Strategy | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The recommendations in this working document are based on the draft EU-Strategic Compass (05-01-2022, working document of EEAS) It will allow the European Union (EU) to implement its Global Strategy and Russia/Ukraine - update* 3. Fortunately, the "EU's Strategic Compass for a stronger EU security and defence in the next decade", meant to be the strategic roadmap towards a stronger and more integrated Europe of Defence, had already been in the making for some time (since mid-2020) when crisis struck. Capability development The proposals on capability development are the most concrete and promising in the Compass. EU adopts Strategic Compass. European Union just approved Strategic compass, it gives necessary toolbox for EU to become a real geopolitical defense and security player together with NATO. (Own report) - The German government seeks to have a common "Strategic Compass" adopted, to orient the EU's military policy. The Strategic Compass, to be adopted in March 2022, will look to the 2025-2030 time horizon View more How to cite Download and languages Ibid, 10. European Security Strategy: A Secure Europe in a Better World, 2003: 7. . This roadmap aims to provide such an approach, to be integrated in the EU Strategic Compass. The EU's Strategic Compass and new security and defence initiatives in 2022 The draft of the EU Strategic Compass outlines several proposals that have a bearing on the Commission's role. Strategic Compass is to signal unity, all Member States must stand behind it not only the big and powerful ones. First, it will inject into the system of EU defence cooperation a new dose of political direction that will guide its development until 2025-30. A Strategic Compass for Security and Defence - For a European Union that protects its citizens, values and interests and contributes to international peace and security The analysis suggests that while the EU has come a long way in the security and defence domain, there is still progress to be made and specific considerations to be taken into account. After intense negotiations, the European Union (EU) has finally adopted its so-called Strategic Compass, a forty-page paper published on 21 st March 2022. In practical terms, the Compass sets out steps that the EU will take in four areas: 1) military capability development; 2) strengthening EU military and civilian operations; 3) fostering resilience; and 4) strengthening partnerships. Part One presents the consolidated text of the current EU . In October last year the EU's President Charles Michel declared, "2022 will be the year of European defense". In the last three years, however, the balance between partnership . The Strategic Compass is seen as one of the most . highlighted. The Strategic Compass underlines the collective action problem at the heart of European attempts to pool defence efforts and resources: everyone agrees that closer integration is essential, but everyone wants someone else to go first. A Strategic Compass for Security and Defence, 21 March 2022 EU Rapid Deployment Capacity (EEAS factsheet) A Strategic Compass for the EU (EEAS factsheet) Questions and answers: a background for the Strategic Compass (EEAS) Ensuring that the Strategic Compass meets expectations will be a joint EU endeavour. European Security Strategy: A Secure Europe in a Better World, 2003: 7. analysis will serve as the basis for the Strategic Compass. all its forms and manifestations. The more threatening international environment created by Russia's invasion gives the newly-released EU Lo Strategic Compass it is one of the most important and debated initiatives regarding the Security and Defense of the European Union during the current German presidency of the European Council. The EU decided to develop a "strategic compass" for its security and de-fence policy until 2022. 2a strategic compass for the european union spend more and better - defence spending and incentives for cooperation strategic enablers and next generation capabilities boost defence technological innovation to reduce strategic dependencies strengthened strategic partnership with nato and the un cooperation with regional partners However, in a rapidly changing geopolitical environment, the Union faces new threats and security challenges and this calls for a unified, robust and far-reaching approach from the bloc and its Member States. `A Strategic Compass for the EU, 2022: 10. 'Strategic Autonomy and the EU as a Global Actor: The Evolution, Debate and Theory of a Contested Term'. Its final approval by Member States on 21 March 2022, Meant to be a kind of White Paper on Defence for the EU, it now remains to be seen to what extent the political commitments will actually be kept. Second half of 2021- Development of the Strategic Compass First half of 2022- Adoption of the Strategic Compass The Strategic Compass aims to cement the foundations for a shared vision for EU security and defence among European Union Member States. Comprising a common vision for the Union's role in security and defence, the document was announced as a major piece of EU policy by the incoming von der Leyen Commission in late 2019. a new Strategic Concept due for release at the Madrid Summit in June 2022 (NATO 2021a, 2021b, 2021c). In 46 pages, the document sets out priority Vladimir Putin's attack on Ukraine marks the start of a more dangerous era in European security. 5 - The EU Strategic Compass: A Blueprint for a European Defensive and Securitisation Policy Some analysts see this change as necessary because the world has undeniably become more dangerous to the EU.12 To be sure, Russia's foreign policy in its neighbourhood or in Libya and Syria13 and China's ascendancy to "economic competitor and systemic rival" (as the Strategic Compass puts it . Once approved, the Strategic Compass is then expected to be endorsed by the European Council on 24-25 March 2022. Date: 05-04-2022- Eurodefense Position Paper A Strategic Compass and what's next? . The overall document gives a bleak picture of the state of affairs in world politics and highlights the unstable neighbourhood on Europe's doorstep, as Rewritten over the last month to emphasise the impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the Strategic Compass reveals a newfound consensus among On Wednesday, 6 April 2022, the Clingendael and Egmont Institutes organised an International Conference on "The Implementation of the EU Strategic Compass", just over two weeks after the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence had agreed on the document (21 March). News Future EU 10-12-2021 As Russia flexes its muscles in Ukraine and Belarus, China tests a nuclear-capable missile and the U.S turns its gaze toward the Pacific, the EU is reacting in its favorite fashion: With a policy document.. EU defense ministers on Tuesday discussed for the first time their so-called "Strategic Compass," a plan meant to bolster the bloc's military capabilities amid a dawning realization . Creativity counts There are already many things we know about the Strategic Compass. The Strategic Compass is part threat assessment, part strategy. Council of the European Union, `Implementation Plan on Security and Defence, 2016. The overall document gives a bleak picture of the state of affairs in world politics and highlights the unstable neighbourhood on Europe's doorstep, as . Novaky (2020) argues . It will be drafted and negotiated over 2021 and delivered by March 2022, Your download does not start? It is not On Wednesday 21 September 2022, the National Convention on the EU took place. In March 2022, the 27 member states of the European Union (EU) want to adopt a "Strategic Compass" (SC) that is intended to make the Union a provider of inter-national security by 2030 and strengthen its strategic sovereignty. Markus Kaim and Ronja Kempin . [4] Unlike in the case of the EUGS, the HR will present the draft of the . Date: 10 January 2022 Time: 9.00 Venue: COUNCIL JUSTUS LIPSIUS BUILDING Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 BRUSSELS Delegations are reminded that due to current social distancing requirements, their participation in the meeting room will be limited to Ambassadors + 1. @EUCouncil approves the #StrategicCompass: an . Strategic Compass/Revision 1 2. Getting the WTO's dispute settlement and negotiating function . EU officials said they would develop "operational scenarios" to guide the formation's future employment during 2022, and begin regular live-fire exercises in 2023 to prepare its forces. Pervasive instability, rising strategic competition and advancing authoritarianism challenge the Alliance's interests and values. However, what is certain is that the most concrete proposals are a new boon for the arms industry in the context of the . It is also aimed at aligning the EU member states' national . These mirror the four baskets as- sociated with the Strategic Compass: crisis management, resilience, capabilities and part- nerships. "We are very much aware that the world is having a shift on the geopolitical . While Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine has dominated the landscape, in March the EU released its long-awaited Strategic Compass: an ambitious roadmap for strengthening the EU's security and defense policy over the next decade. ) argues that the Strategic Compass is intended to be used by all units, academic And challenges we face and their implications for the EU, 2022 should not overly New boon for the EU, 2022: 10 expected to be used by units. Eu ; 2 are galore as the deadline for the EU took place EU took place 21.03.2022 Today the has Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz, 2021b, 2021c ) European Commission & # x27 ; s attack on marks. 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eu strategic compass 2022 pdf